Hill ride
57 km
2.5 hours
Information for this trail was last updated August 2024

Manutuke School on Waingake Road is the usual meeting place for the Gisborne Cycling Club ride up Waingake Valley following Te Ārai River, and the hill climb at the head of the valley. Gisborne Cycling Club facebook link

Manutuke School (Te Kura o Manutuke) opened in 1885 and today remains the centre and pride of its iwi and community. The cycle ride from the school along Waingake Road is a gentle climb until Waingake, where the road to the Gisborne District Council water treatment station turns off. Te Ārai River is bridged near Gordon Road. Near Waingake, several bridges cross the headwater tributaries. The climb begins where the water treatment station road turns off and is fairly steep, climbing 440m over 4km or so, but all on a sealed road. Enjoy the return ride down the hill and back to Manutuke School!


Tips & Logistics

Watch for log trucks on weekdays. Waingake Road is closed further along the road because of harvesting operations. Gisborne District Council is carrying out a major native forest restoration programme in partnership with mana whenua through Maraetaha Incorporation as the pine forest is harvested on Pamoa Station. This is to protect and enhance the biodiversity of the area, the water quality within the Gisborne city water catchment area, and the water pipeline to Gisborne.